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Trustees of Damon Memorial Library
Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2010

Attending: Celeste Duffy, Connie Marr, Nina Mazloff, Sue Reynolds

The Chair, Celeste Duffy, called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

There were no minutes to approve.

Public forum N/A

Report of the Chair – none

Sue Reynolds reported that Nancy Richards gave a superb tour of the library to her

Director – Jane was contacted by the Holden Women’s Club who want to exhibit a display to commemorate their upcoming centennial anniversary and would like to donate some antique serving ware. Jane said library policy does not permit such donations and that a new precedent might be set if this occurs. Jane indicated that Nancy Richards is currently having some Confederate bills in the collection professionally appraised. Nancy inquired if the Trustees have started planning for the 2013, 125-year library birthday celebration yet. Jane said circulation totals will most likely surpass last year’s. Jane met with Sue Reynolds to review Trustee responsibilities.

Building and Grounds – N/A
Planning and Policy – N/A

New Business – Celeste to e-mail evaluation form to Trustees. Summer meeting set for August 19th at 5 p.m. *Mazloff made a motion and Marr seconded it with unanimous approval to keep chair, secretary and committees the same, while substituting Reynolds for Ritter on Planning and policy

Old Business -  Samuel Klett resubmitted plans for his historical marker Eagle Scout project. Two options were described. The first was either an enclosed bulletin board (cost $130-150) or an elongated frame (cost $150-250), both of which would hold six pages of historical information to be housed inside the library. The second was an aluminum marker for outside the library (cost $1,500-1,800) which would hold a condensed history of 720 characters. Sam expressed concern over the high cost of the aluminum version. Jane commented that perhaps a first floor location could be found for the project, with consideration of positioning for patron traffic flow and readability. Jane would like the content to be of appropriate length with pictures on each page. Celeste suggested both formats be approved by the Historical Commission so that the outdoor version might be used in the 125th anniversary celebration, purchasing it with library funds. *Mazloff made a motion and Reynolds seconded it with unanimous approval to have Sam draw up a 3-page version of the text with Jane’s final approval and use Jane’s preferred elongated style frame and to have the Historical Commission approve both the indoor and outdoor projects.

Correspondence – N/A

Adjournment - *Mazloff made a motion to adjourn at 5:40 p.m. and was seconded by Marr with unanimous approval.

Next meeting – August 19th at 5 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Reynolds